Game like Escape From Tarkov For Android [LOST LIGHT]


Lost light is a Tarkov clone to the point of completely ripping off the Factory map from Tarkov in addition to having basically the same health system and art style.

You can even play it on pc its a cross platform mobile player and pc player can play together

Download Link :-
 lost light official website


Badlanders is available on iOS now and also has the same gameplay concept as Tarkov but resembles early pubg mobile or rules of survival in terms of art style. This one actually has a FPP option which isn’t featured in Lost Light.

Arena Breakout is a newly announced Tarkov clone for mobile and is made by Tencent. This one is the closest to Tarkov in terms of graphics, gameplay, FPP only, realism etc. currently only in China for Android but it’s Tencent so iOS and global launch is highly expected.
